BEAM Minerals for Women
Women, in particular, experience mineral deficiency throughout their lives as their bodies adjust to hormonal changes associated with puberty, menstruation, child birth, lactation and menopause.
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BEAM Supports Women





The Benefits of Mineral Supplementation
Fit Mother Project Podcast
In this episode, you’ll meet Caroline Alan, a mineral enthusiast and the co-founder and CEO of BEAM Minerals, which provides humic and fulvic mineral supplements.
Common Signs of Mineral Deficiency in Women


Mood Swings

Low Energy

Hair Loss
These common experiences are all signs of mineral and micronutrient deficiency and need to be taken seriously. While many women experience these, it is not necessary to live in depeletion. Providing effective mineral and mircronutrient supplementation, via plant-based minerals, can suppoort the body to gain and maintain healthy energy production and balance.

Women's Complete Mineral Support Kit
Reduces Fatigue
Supports Energy ProductionReduces Cravings
Promotes Healthy
Gut MicrobiomePromotes Restful Sleep

This complete kit has all the minerals and micronutrients a woman needs at every stage of life. With The Advanced Set, for full-spectrum internal cellular support, plus Insta-Lytes for muscle aches or cramping (even Menstrual) and Happy-Lytes for the natural mood swings associated with hormonal changes.
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