Most pets don't get enough Electrolytes in their daily diet

BEAM Minerals for Pets

Veterinarians agree that pets and domesticated animals experience even more mineral and micronutrient deficiency then humans, due to the quality of their food supply and their exposure to glyphosates.

Learn More

What are the challenges that pets and animals
face and how can BEAM Minerals help?


Gut Health

Low Energy

Oral Health

  • What our Customers Say

    My husband and I have been doing a little informal experiment with our dogs: I put two bowls of water out for our 2 dogs. One has minerals added and one is plain water. They’ll drink out of both; however, the bowl with the minerals ALWAYS does go down faster. Amazing!

    - Anonymous

Shop BEAM for Dogs

  • Advanced Canine Mineral and Electrolyte Replenishment Set

  • Enhanced Hydration

  • Supports Healthy Bowels

  • Increased Nutrition

  • Supports Joint
    Inflammation Reduction

The Complete Canine Multi-Minerals offer a comprehensive array of essential minerals, supporting your dog’s health at every stage of life and facilitating efficient cellular absorption. In combination with the Complete Canine Electrolytes, this set ensures a perfect balance of vital electrolytes, promoting optimal hydration and sustaining their energy levels.


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Shop BEAM for Cats

The Complete Feline Multi-Minerals provide a holistic spectrum of minerals, supporting your cat’s health throughout their entire life and enabling effective cellular transportation of these essential nutrients. Accompanied by the Complete Feline Electrolytes, this set delivers a well-balanced combination of electrolytes, ensuring proper hydration and energy levels for your cat.


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  • Advanced Feline Mineral and Electrolyte Replenishment Set

  • Enhances Energy

  • Supports Healthy Gut

  • Increases Hydration

  • Helps Settle Nervous System

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