woman rubbing neck in pain

Humic & Fulvic the Ultimate Anti-inflammatory Support


Read Time 5 min

Over the last 20 years, more and more research has found that inflammation is behind many of today’s major diseases. [ * ]

Studies suggest that chronic inflammation drives the progression of heart disease, stroke, dementia, diabetes, arthritis, weight gain, chronic pain, and more. [ * ]

If it’s balanced, inflammation is actually good for you—but when your body can’t turn off inflammation and it continues over time, it can have devastating effects on your wellbeing.

The good news is that minerals can help your body regain control and find a state of balance. Here’s a closer look at how minerals provide anti-inflammatory support.

How Minerals Reduce Inflammation

Minerals control a lot of the mechanisms that turn inflammation on and off.

Sometimes you actually want inflammation. For example, if you get a cut on your arm, your immune system will inflame the area, sending in pro-inflammatory cells to kill off any infectious bacteria. Inflammation also increases blood flow, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the wound so it heals faster.

But it’s just as important that your body turns off inflammation after it has done its job. If you’re in a constant inflamed state, even when there’s no need for it, that chronic low-level inflammation will gradually damage your body and cause pain, fatigue, faster aging, and other problems.

man gripping his knee in pain

That’s where minerals come in. Your cells use minerals to regulate inflammation—and if you get more minerals, you’re giving your body the tools it needs to maintain a healthy inflammatory response.

Here are a few examples of how minerals influence inflammation:

  • A 2009 study found that magnesium deficiency caused inflammation in both the brain and heart, [ * ] while a 2018 review found that replenishing magnesium lowered inflammation bodywide. [ * ]

  • A 2023 review notes that zinc deficiency causes “systemic inflammatory responses…resulting in an exaggerated and prolonged inflammatory response.” [ * ]

  • A 2017 review found that replenishing zinc reduces chronic inflammation, both because zinc helps control the on/off switch for your immune system and because it’s a direct antioxidant that protects your body from inflammatory damage. [ * ]

  • Iron deficiency also causes inflammation. Your body needs iron to produce an anti-inflammatory compound called hepcidin, and when you don’t make enough of it, bodywide inflammation spirals out of control. [ * ]

  • Selenium is a powerful antioxidant—more than any other mineral—and is a major protector against inflammatory damage, especially in your immune system and brain. [ * ] Many people don’t get enough selenium, and selenium deficiency is particularlycommon in autoimmune diseases that cause inflammation. [ * ]

woman walking in field with arms raised in relief
woman rubbing back of neck in pain

Humic and Fulvic Minerals Are Especially Good for Inflammation

At BEAM Minerals, all our supplements are made from humic and fulvic substances—mineral-rich components of deep soil that form over thousands of years.

Humic and fulvic are the result of freshwater plants that break down and deposit their nutrients in the soil. We extract that soil and purify it, resulting in a liquid that naturally contains every essential mineral your body needs.

But because humic and fulvic substances come from plants, they contain more than minerals. They’re also a super-concentrated source of plant-derived polyphenols. [ * ]

Polyphenols are exceptionally powerful anti-inflammatory compounds. A 2022 study found that consuming polyphenols suppresses chronic inflammation across the entire body. [ * ]

Another recent review found that increasing your polyphenol intake significantly decreases inflammatory pain and reduces oxidative stress, the main driver of aging. [ * ][ * ]

In other words, BEAM Minerals offer a two-pronged approach to reducing inflammation: they replenish essential mineral stores and deliver a huge amount of anti-inflammatory compounds, all at the same time.

If you struggle with chronic inflammation, give BEAM Minerals a try. They’ll help nourish your cells and return your body to a state of balance—so you can feel your best.

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Can I take BEAM Minerals with my other supplements?

Yes, in fact, BEAM Minerals will enhance the bioavailability of all your other supplements.

What is the difference between Micro-BOOST™ and Electrolyze™?

Electrolyze™ is primarily composed of Fulvic Mineral Complexes . Fulvic complexes are small molecules that provide inter-cellular transport for nutritional elements into the cells and carry bio-waste out of the cells. Fulvic complexes are flavonoids , which provide many benefits in the body.

Micro-BOOST™ is primarily composed of the Humic Mineral Complexes . Humic complexes are large molecules that are extra-cellular, meaning they do not enter the cells but stay outside the cells. They are highly-charged molecules that attract, through their electrical charge, bio-waste, free radicals and heavy metals. They ultimately carry bio-waste out of the body. Thus, we call them “Nature’s Janitor”.

How many milligrams (mg) of an electrolyte (Potassium, Magnesium, Sodium, Calcium, etc.) is there in BEAM Minerals?

The quantities of each element in BEAM Minerals products are measured in “parts per million” (ppm), rather than the “milligrams” (mg). Here is the information which usually helps to understand the difference:

Milligrams (mg) vs parts per million (ppm)

In comparing our products to other supplements, people want to know how much of an electrolyte is in our products (like potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium). Usually they are looking for an amount in milligrams (mg).

We have a hard time answering that question, because the electrolytes (and other elements) in BEAM Minerals products are measured in parts per million (ppm). So how can consumers compare?

The answer is a little complex, but here’s the high points.

The electrolytes in BEAM Minerals products are provided in “trace” amounts that are completely dissolved and thus 100% bio-available, immediately introduced into your circulation when you consumed them and will produce and active effect.

When you take a 320mg pill of magnesium, your body is only able utilize about 12-20% of it as it takes some time because your body has to digest it first. Whatever is not dissolved gets processed out of your body.

When you take a capful of liquid Electrolyze™ and/or Micro-BOOST™, you receive approximately 5.22 ppm of magnesium in which 100% of the magnesium is immediately available to your body. In addition, an important to know is that the magnesium in BEAM Minerals products stay in your system much longer building up healthy levels as you continue to take it daily.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. This content should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical condition or health issue. Always seek the guidance of your physician or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.